
Career Path of SAP Consultant

It's every professional’s dream to choose a right career that is not only professionally satisfying but also financially rewarding. However, access to career counseling to make better and informed career decisions is one of the areas where we don’t have or find many resources to turn to. As a result, we turn to our friends, family, peers, or mentors to…

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Why Choose a Career in Digital Marketing?

Are you interested in a career that’s fast-paced, ever-changing, and ripe with potential for advancement? Then consider a career in digital marketing, even if you lack experience. Digital marketing is one of those rare fields that have so many facets to it and changes so fast that experience is not necessarily a requirement for landing a job. Knowledge is needed,…

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Is SEO a good career option?

SEO's about answering the right questions and helping people Is SEO a good quality career option as of late 2020? I would say so. SEO is still very important and more brands understand that they require to be digital if they want to succeed. I see a shift where, before, marketing teams had one or two "digital marketers" and now…

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